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May 6th, 2008
Salem Recycling Task Force: Agenda
Tuesday May 6th, 7:00-8:30 pm
120 Washington Street, 3rd floor

1.      Debrief on Earth Day event, 10 minutes

2.      Prepare for June 14 event, 15 minutes

a.      Our group responsible for all the recycling and trash disposal that day
b.      volunteer to staff the May 17 event and sell rain barrels and composters?

3.      Goals and vision, 10 minutes
a.       ‘low hanging fruit’ for the summer

4.      Officers, 15 minutes

5.      Task Force vs. Committee: Julie's understanding is that ‘committee’ means long standing, while task force is more of a defined period of time and set of accomplishments. We should be consistent.

6.      Blog and Website

7.      Other